I'm not only gonna make it.. I'm enjoying the trip...
With the Joy of the Lord as my strength, His peace that passeth ALL understanding as my rest, His promise that He'd never leave me or forsake me as my assurance, the comfort that is The Holy Ghost as my guide to a better life and all of His bountiful blessings given to me, HOW could I not enjoy living for Jesus!!??
An old song says it like this;
Life is a few days of trouble a wise man once said, but I'll not complain for I'm sheltered, I'm clothed and I'm fed. But many the trial my wants and my needs put me through, and the only real peace that I have Dear Lord is in you.
His LOVE will see us though every situation if we can just remember, "it isn't what we're facing that should concern us, it is what we are taking with us that should concern our enemy!" GREATER is He that is within us than he that is in the world!!!
The best is yet to come...
Yes, I am enjoying the trip! There is absolutely no other life worth living, but the one living for God!!! It does help having friends like you to share it with. Love you!
You are so right we are so blessed to be among the chosen.
I've had that song on my heart sisnce Thursday..
I am the one who's blessed to have you and Pastor Clark in my life. I thank God EVERY day that you're my Pastor and Pastor's wife, not to mention GREAT friends. One day when Pastor is a FAMOUS teacher we'll be able to say we know him!!
Love you too!
I am so glad i came on and read this today..i have been having such a hard time of it since Trevor was killed....i needed a reminder of God's love and you share it so well with others....you are a blessing to those near you but also to those whom you have never met like me....thanks for being a faithful servant of God. YOU are a blessing.
Darlene, your family is in my prayers. I know words cannot help in your time of sorrow but God knows exactly where you are and how to comfort you!
His grace is sufficient for all.
I thank you for your prayers and i know God is watching over us ....i just can not seem to figure out how to deal with everything....My mom worries im becoming too depressed...i am just trying to live and to breathe one moment at a time !! without God's help i could not even do this much... again thanks for your prayers ... God Bless You my friend !!
I know it must be difficult. It is good you have family and I hope you have a Church family for support. We all need God's family to help us through our valley's!
I am here for support or just to talk!!
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