As we gathered into the sanctuary to prepare for our praise & worship service the power of the Lord was very evident. As we rehearsed our songs we felt Him draw us into His presence. The momentum was heightened in the pray room before we began the service, the fruit of our labor and the evidence of God’s desire to fill souls with His spirit became clear as six or more souls reached out to God in prayer wanting to receive the Holy Ghost. We experienced a new birth, a renewing of the Holy Ghost, several miracles of healing, deliverance and a wealth of refreshing for all our souls. We left changed, refreshed and excited about what God has done, is doing and is going to do for His people. Thank God for the liberty we have in the USA in 2008!
It was an AWESOME time of refreshing!!! I think the church needed it as much as the individuals.
What an awesome service that was...
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