Thursday, September 25, 2008

Can you see the sin?

Can you see the snake?
Maybe this will help!
Sin doesn't come with a warning label, "HARMFUL TO YOUR SPIRITUAL WELL BEING!"
Sin can be right in our face and if we're not careful we'll step right into the well laid trap of the enemy. Our flesh LOVES to make excuses, oh it's just a little off-color, it's not that bad! But if I remember correctly the WORD says, a little leaven leavens the WHOLE lump.
Our lump was not created to have sin of any measure.
Help us Oh God to be watchful and discerning of the devices of the enemy that wants nothing more than to taint our Holy Ghost lives with a lil' sin!!!


Keith and Carla said...

Great post! I've missed your blogging.

Love you!

Linda Elms said...

Sis. Gloria, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet message. We enjoyed being with the church and Bro. and Sis. Clark. They are great people of God! Thank you once again for the lovely basket of goodies. God bless you!