Friday, August 22, 2008

Family Outing

We drove into Ft. Worth yesterday to spend the day with Jeremy & Candace before school starts... We had a great time...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


VFC's children's ministry had a Kidz Rally and it was a HUGE hit!!!
The theme was "TEAM WORK"

Games, petting zoo, pony rides, puppet show, talent show, the youth performed a skit, tee shirts were provided and lunch was served.

Congrats to the Children's Ministry for a wonderful job!

Preperations begin!!!

Some of the Team!!!
Game Show Eternity!!
Let's make a hat together..
Ahhh, lunch time in-doors!!!
What TALENT!!!!!!More great talent!!!
The Big Hands Puppet Team!! WOW!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Train up a child.

It is a proven fact that the earlier you being to train your child the better success you'll have!

This lil' girl has been in training...

Facing the storm...

I John 4: 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

I have found it is often challenging to trust because we (humans) are assuming it is we that we are placing our trust in. Though we are the vessel, it is neither of our might nor our power that allows us to do anything.

God knows the storm is raging, God knows our strength is failing but He also knows we are gaining much strength and wisdom from the battle he allows us to face. It is much like a boxing manager who chooses a fierce challenger for his rooky, he chooses someone that will challenge his abilities and cause the young man to reach inside himself for strength to fight his way to the winning circle. As the manager watches, instructs and trains the rooky prior to the fight he also continues to bark out instructions during the fight and is ready to pull him out, throw in the towel, when he feels the battle is too much. With each battle the rooky learn the ropes, learns to trust in the training he’s received and goes on to win fights.

Thank God for battles, storms and for the rest we enjoy along the way.